Scandinavian countries rule the rankings, given higher salaries and life standards. Scandinavia also ranks on top in the happiness index published each year

Europe: Rankings by Country of Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) (Salaries And Financing)
1. Switzerland 5,475.17 €
2. Iceland 3,227.40 €
3. Denmark 3,225.98 €
4. Netherlands 3,150.21 €
5. Norway 3,104.03 €
6. Germany 2,753.62 €
7. United Kingdom 2,600.80 €
8. Ireland 2,583.67 €
9. Sweden 2,556.91 €
10. Finland 2,440.03 €
11. Belgium 2,299.12 €
12. France 2,259.21 €
13. Austria 2,061.43 €
14. Spain 1,663.87 €
15. Italy 1,454.33 €
These are after tax salaries, hence this is your in hand per month after graduation in these countries (average salaries)
Salaries are mentioned in Euros and are as per the data on numbeo 2022