The Consulting Suite
your dashboard for next 365 days since enrolment
This is your exclusive access to our consulting suite that includes admissions related documents. These samples, templates and real admits' documents would assist you further in your quest to study abroad, especially related to your application process to your target universities. This dashboard will include visa checklist, application assistance as stated in your subscription
Services included in your service:
Consulting Suite
Allotment of your counselor
Brainstorming calendar (fortnightly until admission)
Common discussion group on whatsapp
Mock interviews (post interview calls)
Visa assistance (as per Embassy's regulations)
All other services mandated in your subscription
GURUGRAM: 145, Sec 44, Gurugram 122002, India
LONDON: 167 Great Portland Street, WIF 5PF, London, UK
PARIS: 26 rue Bosquet 75007 Paris, France